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- Sexual rights
- History, literature, art and sexuality
- Basic science, brain and sexuality
- Men’s sexual health and male sexual dysfunction
- Women’s sexual health and female sexual dysfunction
- Senescence, teenage and sexuality
- Hormone, hypogonadism, menopause and sexuality
- Cardiovascular, metabolic, neurological, psychiatric, sexually transmitted dis., malignancy, Chronic illness, disability, prostate and sexuality.
- Reproduction, contraception and sexuality
- Transsexualism, transgender, gender identity and sexuality
- Drugs, herbs, foods, life style and sexuality
- Surgery, sexual mutilations, trauma and sexuality
- Law, politics, religion, armed service, media and sexuality
- Violence, crime, prostitution and sexuality
- Internet, visual technique and sexuality
- Counseling, psychosexual therapies, couple & family therapy
- Sex education, mass media and internet
- Sex economics
- Controversies and consensus in sexology
- Interdisciplinary contributions to sexology
All abstracts must:
- Be electronically submitted via the website
- Be written in English
- Use Arial 12 point type only
- Use single spacing only
- Format – Microsoft Word (.doc) file only
- Leave one line between paragraphs
- Specify all abbreviations in full at the first mention, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses, thereafter abbreviation only should be used
- Correct spelling and grammar
- Not be previously published in any other journal or presented at any other conference. However, abstracts in progress of reviewing will be accepted
- Title in BOLD at the top of the abstract
- Author/s
- Principal author to appear first
- Underline the name of the author who will be presenting the paper
- Use surname followed by initials (do not use full stops or commas between surname and initials. Ex: Poosha D V R)
- Omit degrees and titles
- Include affiliations for each author. Use superscript numbering after the author’s name to indicate affiliation.
- Length of title: Less than 30 words
- Length of abstract: Maximum 300 words
- Structure: Background-methods-Results-Conclusions
- Background: Study objectives, hypotheses tested, research questions or description of problem
- Methods: Methods used or approach taken (e.g. study population, data collection methods, statistical analyses and/or theoretical approach)
- Results: In summarized form, must include data (eg statistics or qualitative data and results of statistical tests ). Up to two graphs or pictures may be included.
- Conclusion: Description of main outcomes and implications of the study, including significance of findings and contribution to evidence-based practice.
- Reference: 2 references allowed
- Length of title: Less than 30 words
- Length of abstract: Maximum 300 words
- Structure: Introduction- Case-Conclusions
- Introduction: Outline objectives or description of problem and approach taken
- Case: Observations and findings
- Conclusion: Main outcomes and applications to practice. Highlight special features and contribution to practice
- Figures & Tables: Up to 2 allowed
Note: The right to accept or reject poster / oral presentation is the exclusive right of the scientific committee.
This session is a graphic presentation of an author’s research. The authors illustrate their findings by displaying graphs, photos, diagrams and a small amount of text on the poster boards.
- Allotted time: 5 minutes for presentation
- 3 minutes for Q&A
- Size of Poster: 80cm (W) X 120 cm (H)
- Structure of Contents:
- Research Abstracts: Background-Methods-Results-Conclusions
- Case Reports: Introduction-Case-Conclusions
The presenting author must bring the printed poster to the conference.
Note: The right to accept or reject poster / oral presentation is the exclusive right of the scientific committee.
Potential conflicts of interest should be declared for transparency of the works presented.
Abstract title
- Abstract as a word document (maximum 300 words) plus disclosure of interest statement
- Short biography of presenter (maximum 50 words). This information will be used by session chairs for introduction purposes and may be published in conference literature.
- By submitting an abstract all authors agree to release the license to the Conference organizers and give permission to publish the abstract in the conference handbook or on the website and, in so doing , certify that the abstract is theirs and original work.
All presenting authors must register for the conference upon acceptance of their abstract/s. Authors will be notified of the status of their submission by 30th June 2019. Authors who wish to withdraw their submission papers have to notify the secretariat in writing. Authors who have been accepted and have not registered by 15th July 2019 will have their work withdrawn.
Note to all presenters
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to amend or change any part of the submission guidelines without prior notice.